Residential Security


 What it residential security?

In the UK there is one burglary every 103 seconds.. There has also been a rise in high net worth individuals, celebrities and footballers being targeted, burglarised and attacked causing irreversible emotional distress and financial losses.
Static Security refers to the process of safeguarding people and their properties from privacy breaches, home invasions, disturbances, or any other threats that could put the well-being of those who live there in jeopardy. These include burglaries, assaults, property theft, and vandalism.
While having electronic gates and sophisticated alarms systems certainly go a long way in keeping these elements at bay, they do have their limitations. A sound residential security program needs to incorporate dedicated on-site security professionals who not only understand the unique threats faced by a particular residential or business community but are also well-equipped to respond to and deal with any threats that arise.
They work with you to learn about the unique characteristics of your property to develop an ironclad plan for identifying, assessing, mitigating, and eliminating safety risks.

We pride ourselves in offering:
Experience – Most of our contractors have a military background and have real world combat experience protecting military bases, government buildings and weapons depots.
Integrity – Honesty and integrity are vital in building and nurturing trust. It is important that we run a comprehensive background check on all the contractors before they’re employed.
Heads-on-a-swivel – We are able to identify potential threats to security, gauge the seriousness of the situation, and devise the best course of action to mitigate them.

Services we offer:

Access Control:
Guarding and securing gates
Maintaining visitor logs
Opening and securing gates at designated times

Emergency Response:
Respond to break ins or disturbances
 Collect intel or evidence to assist law enforcement

Property patrol:
 Conduct regular or covert property or road patrols 
Maintain a regular protective detail in and around the property

For more info or to have a security adviser conduct a free risk assessment please email:

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